13-04-2014, 21:03
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 13-04-2014, 21:04 przez TruckerDawid.)
Nic nie zmieniałem w modach a przy ładowaniu pojawia sie takie coś
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[Obrazek: an-mnartfvfxftkwdesrqnb.jpg]
Cytat::58:44 : Map successfully loaded ....
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.euroacres.salzburg)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.euroacres.wien)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.eurogoodies.innsbruck)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.eurogoodies.salzburg)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.eurogoodies.wien)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.stokes.wien)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.itcc.linz)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.nbfc.linz)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.posped.linz)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.sanbuilders.salzburg)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.sellplan.wien)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.transinet.salzburg)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.trameri.innsbruck)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.tree_et.innsbruck)
20:58:44 : [company_u] Unable to find the kdop_link (kdop_link.quarry_sb.salzburg)
20:58:44 : Starting the saved game (/home/save/13) ...
20:58:51 : c:\devel\de_trucks\prism\src\p3core\collections/arrays/arrays_base_impl.h(466): A?$array_t@V?$owner_ptr_t@Vmodel_def_u@prism@@@prism@@@prism@@QAEAAV?$owner_ptr_t@Vmodel_def_u@prism@@@1@I@Z: Index outside array boundaries.
Moje modyfikacje
[Obrazek: an-mnartfvfxftkwdesrqnb.jpg]