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Slash Renault Magnum - Wersja do druku

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+------- Wątek: Slash Renault Magnum (/thread_slash-renault-magnum_23102)

Slash Renault Magnum - Wodzu - 19-01-2014

[Obrazek: sound-magnum.jpg]

This mod contains:
- improved Renault Magnum sound (high rpm-, brake- and
airsounds),therefore put “renaultsound_by_Slash” in your mod folder
and activate it in game

- improved gearbox for Renault Magnum, therefore put
“renaultmagnumtransmission_by_Slash” in your mod folder and activate
it in game

- improved sounds
- Gearbox with/wothout retarder
- you should use “adjustable transmission option”
- it`s possible to change in to the 12th gear driving 80 km/h…

SCS, Slash

RE: Slash Renault Magnum - flakon - 20-01-2014