Modscenter • Centrum modyfikacji do gier
Błąd po exporcie - Wersja do druku

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+---- Wątek: Błąd po exporcie (/thread_b%C5%82%C4%85d-po-exporcie_26127)

Błąd po exporcie - Paweł22 - 07-06-2014

Wie ktoś jak naprawić tą spacje w .tobj ?

00:00:43.678 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/truck.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:43.799 : <ERROR> [r_effect_man] Failed to create effect 'eut.dif_spec.fx'
00:00:43.799 : <ERROR> [material] Can not create effect 'eut.dif_spec.fx' - requested in material '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/parts.dif_spec.mat'.
00:00:43.800 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ color21.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.800 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ color21.tobj'
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ czarne2.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ czarne2.tobj'
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ color.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ color.tobj'
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ czarne.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ czarne.tobj'
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ exter.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ exter.tobj'
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ fotel2.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ fotel2.tobj'
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ siedzonko.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ siedzonko.tobj'
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ deska.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ deska.tobj'
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ szore.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ szore.tobj'
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ rozne.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ rozne.tobj'
00:00:43.820 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ polka.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ polka.tobj'
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ chrom.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ chrom.tobj'
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ lozka.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ lozka.tobj'
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ detail1.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ detail1.tobj'
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ szare.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ szare.tobj'
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ mph2.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ mph2.tobj'
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ czesci2.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ czesci2.tobj'
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ lampion.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ lampion.tobj'
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ deska1.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ deska1.tobj'
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ mph.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ mph.tobj'
00:00:43.821 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ dashboard.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ dashboard.tobj'
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ orange.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ orange.tobj'
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ parts.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ parts.tobj'
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ kable2.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ kable2.tobj'
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ silver.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ silver.tobj'
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ 1.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ 1.tobj'
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ chrom3.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ chrom3.tobj'
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ winiety.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ winiety.tobj'
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ ciemne.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ ciemne.tobj'
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ drazek.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.822 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ drazek.tobj'
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ chrommm.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ chrommm.tobj'
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ trej.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ trej.tobj'
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ ta.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ ta.tobj'
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ fara.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ fara.tobj'
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ lampa.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ lampa.tobj'
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ blenda.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ blenda.tobj'
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ lampazderzak.tobj" in the read_only mode
00:00:43.833 : <ERROR> [tobj] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/daf_xf/ lampazderzak.tobj'
00:00:44.327 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/mirror/daf_xf/side_mirror_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:44.328 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/upgrade/mirror/daf_xf/v_1_mirror_01_3.mat" in the read_only mode
00:00:44.328 : <ERROR> [material] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/mirror/daf_xf/v_1_mirror_01_3.mat'
00:00:44.350 : <ERROR> [fs] Failed to open file "/vehicle/truck/upgrade/mirror/daf_xf/v_1_mirror_01_3.dif.mat" in the read_only mode
00:00:44.350 : <ERROR> [material] Can not open '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/mirror/daf_xf/v_1_mirror_01_3.dif.mat'

RE: Błąd po exporcie - Tomas. - 07-06-2014

Otwórz tobj edytor i spróbuj to naprawić.

RE: Błąd po exporcie - Paweł22 - 07-06-2014

Nie da sie Szczerbaty (MC)

RE: Błąd po exporcie - Antique - 07-06-2014

Jeżeli exportowałeś zmodem to tam w czerwonej bili usuń spacje i wyexportuj jeszcze raz. Jeżeli nie możesz tego wykonać to spróbuj hex edytorem Smile (IPB)

RE: Błąd po exporcie - Paweł22 - 07-06-2014

Własnie o to chodzi, że po exporcie jest wszystko ok, tylko w grze pojawia sie ta spacja.