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1.26 Hub Reduction Axle Cap by KCl v 2.5.2 - Wersja do druku

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+------ Wątek: 1.26 Hub Reduction Axle Cap by KCl v 2.5.2 (/thread_hub-reduction-axle-cap-by-kcl-v-2-5-2_33847)

Hub Reduction Axle Cap by KCl v 2.5.2 - nirwana9 - 14-11-2016

[Obrazek: Hub-Reduction-Axle-Cap-2.jpg]

[Obrazek: Hub-Reduction-Axle-Cap-1.jpg]

Cytat:Hub reduction axle cap by KCl
-DAF (Including HydroAxle)
-Mercedes Benz
-Meritor (Rear axle only)
-EZ Trac (MAN HydroDrive® / Volvo X-Track)

Compatible and recommend to use with 50keda / abasstreppas wheel pack

V2.5.2 -> V2.5.3
-fix alpha channel of few textures (found by V2obert)

If any problem, please email me ( or pm me in SCS forum (gary199233)

KCl (gary199233), 50keda, ohaha, V2obert, Trident R.S., TarsoMagno, Phips_98 and Kristian287