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Massey Ferguson 265 v1.1 - Wersja do druku

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Massey Ferguson 265 v1.1 - szyszek2121 - 20-04-2017

[Obrazek: masseyferguson265-1-1_1.png.jpg]

hello once more farmers
I present a new modification Massey_Ferguson_265
Contains no errors in the registry and is fully functional
Some details fail but they will be corrected soon
The tractor is functional

store data
name: Massey_Ferguson_265
power 88
maxSpeed 42

++ new desing
++ is washable
++ has lights
++ has a footprint on the wheels
If they find a bug leave it in the comments please

As always many hours of work, I hope and have fun



RE: Massey Ferguson 265 v1.1 - janoalex - 04-05-2017

Szacun... czekam na URSUSA Big Grin (IPB)