[Obrazek: -%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8-5.jpg]
Handling > -9/10
Design > -8/10
Interior > -9/10
Damage > 0/10
Lag or bouncing > little
Opcodes > 0
Author/convert: ScaniaTW
Front: someone from Holland (thanks to him)!
Wheels: Ventyres (I think)
Edit to euro6: ExclusiveUA, Exclusive43.
Dear stealers, use original link please!
Handling > -9/10
Design > -8/10
Interior > -9/10
Damage > 0/10
Lag or bouncing > little
Opcodes > 0
Author/convert: ScaniaTW
Front: someone from Holland (thanks to him)!
Wheels: Ventyres (I think)
Edit to euro6: ExclusiveUA, Exclusive43.
Dear stealers, use original link please!