25-12-2013, 14:11
[Obrazek: Qw18x.jpg]
The author of the original model : czak
Copyright skinpaka : Hotracer
Copyright alterations in GTS: Freezer
Copyright envelope and improvements in the ETS 2 : axelrol
Model features:
- Baking ( trailer in the shade is not flat )
- Native wheel ( well, maybe almost , but still BPW)
- Dynamic shadow
- Set up a conflict
- All the bulbs that work on it has
- Each of your skin on the trailer - only 10 skins ( 9 + 1 clean without logos)
- Replaces coolliner
Roll the health !
Fix to fix problems with black textures distance cameras on the trailer :
Open the file with this fix and drag out all the textures in the archive . Scs trailer on the road vehicle-> trailer_eu-> krone-> cool_liner
The author of the original model : czak
Copyright skinpaka : Hotracer
Copyright alterations in GTS: Freezer
Copyright envelope and improvements in the ETS 2 : axelrol
Model features:
- Baking ( trailer in the shade is not flat )
- Native wheel ( well, maybe almost , but still BPW)
- Dynamic shadow
- Set up a conflict
- All the bulbs that work on it has
- Each of your skin on the trailer - only 10 skins ( 9 + 1 clean without logos)
- Replaces coolliner
Roll the health !
Fix to fix problems with black textures distance cameras on the trailer :
Open the file with this fix and drag out all the textures in the archive . Scs trailer on the road vehicle-> trailer_eu-> krone-> cool_liner