18-10-2015, 13:07
[Obrazek: mercedes-2014-wood-v1-0_1.jpg]
[Obrazek: mercedes-2014-wood-v1-0_3.jpg]
A new wood interior for the Mercedes Actros 2014.
Tested with version 1.21 of the game. Works with earlier versions too.
Please don’t re-upload! Respect download-Link. Thanks!
Author: xubu

[Obrazek: mercedes-2014-wood-v1-0_3.jpg]
A new wood interior for the Mercedes Actros 2014.
Tested with version 1.21 of the game. Works with earlier versions too.
Please don’t re-upload! Respect download-Link. Thanks!
Author: xubu

Proszę o zastosowanie się do punktu 5.5 regulaminu mówiącym o maksymalnym rozmiarze obrazka w sygnaturze.