Cytat:Map of Morozov 7.0 (The map works only with his Mario map 12.3 for Morozov 7.0)
The bugs of the previous version have been fixed.
Added seven cities in Russia and one in Turkey.
The order of installation in the manager according to the screenshot
Who uses the mod for graphics or weather,
You need to disable the file rus.climate.sii, the file is in
Folder map, you can disable it like this: rus.climate.sii
Authors of the map: Valera.T. Pavel Morozov. Vladimir I.
Authors of the map of Turkey: Scaniaman6106. Dogukan_k61
Dogukan_k61, Karsa, furkan61, UMTKRZ.mbb27,
LmazEFSANE – Levent lmaz.
1.27 Morozov Map v 7.0
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Morozov Map v 7.0 - przez nirwana9 - 16-12-2016, 22:19
RE: Morozov Express 6.7 - przez biglaskos - 16-12-2016, 22:28
RE: Morozov Express 6.7 - przez tygrysek28 - 21-12-2016, 10:46
Morozov Map v 7.0 - przez nirwana9 - 05-08-2017, 15:12
RE: Morozov Map v 7.0 - przez Daras94 - 16-09-2017, 20:45
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