14-06-2015, 13:07
[Obrazek: Bennekebens-Sneepels-V8-Sound-mod-470x265.jpg]
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This mod is open for Personal changes.
New Sound Samples Created by Bennekeben.
Sound Samples may be Used for other Purposes in change of Credits to Author.(Bennekeben)
Feel Free to sign up and be a fan @ http://1manarmyfans.webs.com
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Bennekeben’s Sneepels V8 SoundMod v1.4
with its new updates
Tested on 1.18 ets2
Best to Add this mod Below the Truck Mods in your ets2/mod folder.
Working sounds for Scania Trucks…
**added new
Scania S Tandem by HobbyTrucker
Scania 124l V4.0 by Satan1990
Scania rcab High 50keda
Scania 143 by Ekualizer
Scania Streamline V3.0 by Bogdan Kasalap
scaniar & streamlineby scs
scania T and R by RJL
scania R by 50keda
Cutted the mod includes sound and engines only.
Wheels and skins are removed
u can still find them in Mod version 1.0
More new sounds added
Created more realism exhaust sound
New shift sound
New Rev sound
New blinker sound
New engines added
New Sound samples created + added
New reworked engine off/on sounds
Reworked sound scripts ,
over 20sound sample setup.
More brake sounds added
Fixed more ticks in samples
Also used..
Added 2 old sound samples from CommadoreOne
Used stock scs sound samples
What u get in this mod ?
The V8 Sneepels sound for the scania trucks
5 different engine types with 4 versions
of sound for
scania model stock SCS
Rcab, Tcab, Streamline RJL
Rcab + Rcab high model 50Keda
143 ekualizer
Streamline v3.0 bodgan
S tandem hobbytrucker
124l 4.0 satan1990
V8 1.4 engines:
V8 1.3-1.0 engines:
No badges on grills only 730.
Still includes All sound updates from version1.0 > 1.4
4 different sounds.
Stand alone engines + sounds for mod compatibilty
This mod allows u to still save the stock sound or
use and other sound mod that Copies the stock sound.
This doesnt work for all trucks.
Stand alone trucks use there own scripts there for i reworked
the stock scripts.
If u use a sound mod it can conflict and u will be able
to choose 1 or adjust compatibility.
Extra Credits
Most Likely,…I will still update to fine tune more to the real deal..when i have the time for it’
if u have suggestions to help or ask questions feel free to contact @ http://1manarmyfans.webs.com
or @steam BC.mods
If u have a scania truck where the sound does Not work on, let us know so
we can add it to our next update !
Add the mod below the stand alone trucks to make it work.
Streamline compatibilty requirs u to merge the s_equip and c_equip scripts to make it work.
Created reworked scripts for the stock sound of stand alone trucks 143m , 124l
I was forced to add stock sound scripts for the 143.
To make it work i needed to define the sound to the engines i want.
The scania.143m exterior and interior folders include reworked scripts.
but the sound remaind the original
To make sure the sound works on the 143 u must add this sound mod below the truck itself or it wont work..
to bring mod lower in the list add zzzz_ infront of the name, the more zzz the lower it drops in the list..
1.2 + 1.3
Compatible with other scania sound mods
Yes but i noticed for streamline scania u might be needed to set a suitable command line in the s_equip and c_equip to make sure the game overreads it.
Meaning u need to merge the sii from both mods.
u can find the folders def/vehicle/truck/scania.streamline/..here are both equip folders
if u use other sound mods.
Bennekeben , CommadoreOne
Its NOT allowed to Re-Upload to other File Hosters
Respect the Original Link if u want to Share.
Visit our site to find all Original Links (Site link Below)
This mod is open for Personal changes.
New Sound Samples Created by Bennekeben.
Sound Samples may be Used for other Purposes in change of Credits to Author.(Bennekeben)
Feel Free to sign up and be a fan @ http://1manarmyfans.webs.com
Report a bug, Share suggestions, Ask Info/Help, Recieve Email when a new mod is Out.
Bennekeben’s Sneepels V8 SoundMod v1.4
with its new updates
Tested on 1.18 ets2
Best to Add this mod Below the Truck Mods in your ets2/mod folder.
Working sounds for Scania Trucks…
**added new
Scania S Tandem by HobbyTrucker
Scania 124l V4.0 by Satan1990
Scania rcab High 50keda
Scania 143 by Ekualizer
Scania Streamline V3.0 by Bogdan Kasalap
scaniar & streamlineby scs
scania T and R by RJL
scania R by 50keda
Cutted the mod includes sound and engines only.
Wheels and skins are removed
u can still find them in Mod version 1.0
More new sounds added
Created more realism exhaust sound
New shift sound
New Rev sound
New blinker sound
New engines added
New Sound samples created + added
New reworked engine off/on sounds
Reworked sound scripts ,
over 20sound sample setup.
More brake sounds added
Fixed more ticks in samples
Also used..
Added 2 old sound samples from CommadoreOne
Used stock scs sound samples
What u get in this mod ?
The V8 Sneepels sound for the scania trucks
5 different engine types with 4 versions
of sound for
scania model stock SCS
Rcab, Tcab, Streamline RJL
Rcab + Rcab high model 50Keda
143 ekualizer
Streamline v3.0 bodgan
S tandem hobbytrucker
124l 4.0 satan1990
V8 1.4 engines:
V8 1.3-1.0 engines:
No badges on grills only 730.
Still includes All sound updates from version1.0 > 1.4
4 different sounds.
Stand alone engines + sounds for mod compatibilty
This mod allows u to still save the stock sound or
use and other sound mod that Copies the stock sound.
This doesnt work for all trucks.
Stand alone trucks use there own scripts there for i reworked
the stock scripts.
If u use a sound mod it can conflict and u will be able
to choose 1 or adjust compatibility.
Extra Credits
Most Likely,…I will still update to fine tune more to the real deal..when i have the time for it’
if u have suggestions to help or ask questions feel free to contact @ http://1manarmyfans.webs.com
or @steam BC.mods

If u have a scania truck where the sound does Not work on, let us know so
we can add it to our next update !
Add the mod below the stand alone trucks to make it work.
Streamline compatibilty requirs u to merge the s_equip and c_equip scripts to make it work.
Created reworked scripts for the stock sound of stand alone trucks 143m , 124l
I was forced to add stock sound scripts for the 143.
To make it work i needed to define the sound to the engines i want.
The scania.143m exterior and interior folders include reworked scripts.
but the sound remaind the original
To make sure the sound works on the 143 u must add this sound mod below the truck itself or it wont work..
to bring mod lower in the list add zzzz_ infront of the name, the more zzz the lower it drops in the list..
1.2 + 1.3
Compatible with other scania sound mods
Yes but i noticed for streamline scania u might be needed to set a suitable command line in the s_equip and c_equip to make sure the game overreads it.
Meaning u need to merge the sii from both mods.
u can find the folders def/vehicle/truck/scania.streamline/..here are both equip folders
if u use other sound mods.
Bennekeben , CommadoreOne