14-12-2014, 17:27
[Obrazek: firmenlogos.jpg]
[Obrazek: firmenlogos.jpg]
[Obrazek: firmenlogos.jpg]
Cytat:Corporate logo for my company
This mod replaces the default logo of scs (freely available on the Internet) with new logos.
The logos were taken from logologo.com.
Simply copy CompanylogosV1.scs file in the mods folder.
When activating you can see immediately that the new logos will appear.
If you are using the Trucksimmap, the last Logo will be overwritten by TSM if you not add at least one “z” in the name of the .scs file.
Who wants to have the source files that can send me a pm.
I was inspired by the following mod:
Flags for the profile of knecht33, who was deleted here.
Nevertheless, he gets credit!
niwo, knecht33
Proszę o zastosowanie się do punktu 5.5 regulaminu mówiącym o maksymalnym rozmiarze obrazka w sygnaturze.