20-03-2015, 17:22
[Obrazek: interior-rework-for-mercedes-v2-0_2.jpg]
[Obrazek: interior-rework-for-mercedes-v2-0_7.jpg]
– Better looking and brighter mercedes star on steering wheel
– Better looking dark chrome frames for fuel and pressure gauges
– Asymmetries in RPM gauge are corrected
– “Actros” logo in the middle of dash instead of “Across”
Autor: Tunak
[Obrazek: interior-rework-for-mercedes-v2-0_7.jpg]
– Better looking and brighter mercedes star on steering wheel
– Better looking dark chrome frames for fuel and pressure gauges
– Asymmetries in RPM gauge are corrected
– “Actros” logo in the middle of dash instead of “Across”
Autor: Tunak

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