14-03-2017, 20:58
Pany, wywala na wyjeździe z Lublina w stronę Łukowa. Ogarnąłem log z gry i podejrzewam, że albo któryś obiekt się gryzie, lub coś z drogą jest nie tak. podaje koncówkę logu
Cytat:19:48:47 : Attempt to create transition between unsupported effects: /effect/eut/dif/eut.dif.a.decal.over.rfx (/material/road/przezroczysta_tex.mat) and /effect/eut/dif_spec_weight/eut.dif_spec.weight.rfx (/material/road/asphalt.mat).Ogarnął ktoś to lub wie na czym leży problem ? Prosiłbym o pomoc
19:48:47 : Attempt to create transition between unsupported effects: /effect/eut/dif_spec_weight/eut.dif_spec.weight.rfx (/material/road/asphalt.mat) and /effect/eut/dif/eut.dif.a.decal.over.rfx (/material/road/przezroczysta_tex.mat).
19:48:47 : Attempt to create transition between unsupported effects: /effect/eut/dif_spec_weight/eut.dif_spec.weight.rfx (/material/road/asphalt.mat) and /effect/eut/dif/eut.dif.a.decal.over.rfx (/material/road/przezroczysta_tex.mat).
19:48:47 : Attempt to create transition between unsupported effects: /effect/eut/dif_spec_weight/eut.dif_spec.weight.rfx (/material/road/asphalt.mat) and /effect/eut/dif/eut.dif.a.decal.over.rfx (/material/road/przezroczysta_tex.mat).
19:48:49 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/model/traffic_light/_bok.mat)
19:48:49 : [material] Can not open '/model/traffic_light/_bok.mat'
19:48:49 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/model/traffic_light/_srodek_pasy.mat)
19:48:49 : [material] Can not open '/model/traffic_light/_srodek_pasy.mat'
19:48:49 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/model/traffic_light/_bok_pasy.mat)
19:48:49 : [material] Can not open '/model/traffic_light/_bok_pasy.mat'
19:48:50 : Attempt to create transition between unsupported effects: /effect/eut/dif_spec_weight/eut.dif_spec.weight.rfx (/material/road/asphalt.mat) and /effect/eut/dif/eut.dif.a.decal.over.rfx (/material/road/przezroczysta_tex.mat).
19:48:51 : Attempt to create transition between unsupported effects: /effect/eut/dif/eut.dif.a.decal.over.rfx (/material/road/przezroczysta_tex.mat) and /effect/eut/dif_spec_weight/eut.dif_spec.weight.rfx (/material/road/asphalt.mat).
19:48:52 : There are vegetation models with differing materials used on single item 157994: '/automat/69/b599f6.mat' and '/automat/f6/5f0b1a.mat'.
19:48:53 : There are vegetation models with differing materials used on single item 158022: '/automat/69/b599f6.mat' and '/automat/f6/5f0b1a.mat'.
19:48:53 : There are vegetation models with differing materials used on single item 158006: '/automat/69/b599f6.mat' and '/automat/f6/5f0b1a.mat'.
19:48:53 : Inconsistent lanes - 2 on 1 road !
19:48:54 : [fs] Unable to open file for reading. (/prefab/cross/r2xr2_sw_roundabout_uk.dif_spec.mat)
19:48:54 : [material] Can not open '/prefab/cross/r2xr2_sw_roundabout_uk.dif_spec.mat'
19:48:55 : Inconsistent lanes - 2 on 1 road !
19:48:55 : There are vegetation models with differing materials used on single item 43906: '/automat/f6/5f0b1a.mat' and '/automat/69/b599f6.mat'.
19:48:58 : Inconsistent lanes - 2 on 1 road !
19:49:12 : Inconsistent lanes - 2 on 1 road !