![[Obrazek: hy6urbzc.jpg]](https://s5.directupload.net/images/user/101113/hy6urbzc.jpg)
Megaliner Wheelpack for Euro Truck Simulator by Wombat & Lukki13
This Wheels are made for megaliners, so it might not going with a standard trailer
Copy the Wheelpack.scs to Own Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod
Add this in the definition of the trailer:
For BPW megawheels add:
rwheel_model: "/vehicle/wheel/bpwmega/wheel.pmd"
For MB megawheels add:
rwheel_model: "/vehicle/wheel/mbmega/wheel.pmd"
For SAF megawheels add:
rwheel_model: "/vehicle/wheel/safmega/wheel.pmd"
For Schmitz megawheels add:
rwheel_model: "/vehicle/wheel/schmitzmega/wheel.pmd"
To see, how the wheels look, check the Preview.jpg
Wheels Made by Wombat
Puzzled and Convertet to ETS by Lukki13
Copyright 2010 by Lukki13
[Obrazek: 10697396005_9a5c58cb97.jpg]
Prawo Jazdy
Kat. B - 10.11.2008
Kat. C, CE, C1E - 2015?
Uprawnienia na wózkek widłowy - 18.11.2013
Prawo Jazdy
Kat. B - 10.11.2008
Kat. C, CE, C1E - 2015?
Uprawnienia na wózkek widłowy - 18.11.2013