09-10-2014, 16:35
– Processed sound engines for all trucks default (volume, added different drones, sounds gravel, etc.)
– Sounds of the environment (nature, city movers, equipment, facilities, traffic etc.)
– Reduced volume yawning
– Added new sounds scania v8 ver6 from kriechbaum
– Reconfigured / processed sounds of the interior sounds are quieter, deeper, and “softer”
Add as well that need to be completely happy in the file def / game_data.sii change the values of the rows
interior_sound_volume: 0.05
interior_sound_pitch: 1.0
Authors: Stewen, Kriechbaum, Stas556, Knox_xxs, Lamandus

Proszę o zastosowanie się do punktu 5.5 regulaminu mówiącym o maksymalnym rozmiarze obrazka w sygnaturze.