28-05-2015, 20:45
[Obrazek: viking-logistics-mpiv.jpg]
[Obrazek: viking-logistics-mpiv.jpg]
[Obrazek: viking-logistics-mpiv.jpg]
[Obrazek: viking-logistics-mpiv.jpg]
[Obrazek: viking-logistics-mpiv.jpg]
Cytat:Today I offer you the Mercedes Actros MPIV at the Viking Logistics skin.Credits
Tested under 1.18.1s
Available from the merchants.
Available for all sizes cabins.
I wish you a safe journey in the ETS2 and have fun with the mod.
As always gillt who do not like him must not download it!
Re-upload please only with the original link.
Proszę o zastosowanie się do punktu 5.5 regulaminu mówiącym o maksymalnym rozmiarze obrazka w sygnaturze.