29-06-2014, 19:34
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Cytat:New update for the Volvo FH 2013 of ohaha!
Added LKW-Schilds (L, G, V, TIR signs) on the upper engine grid
Reworked engine grids
New type of projectors available on the forehead
Added accessory group to the back of Globetrotter cabins, with various safety signs and speed limits (50, 70, 80, 90 etc.)
Painted wipers’ base
The default truck, in 4×2, 6×2, 6×4 and 8×4 variants, comes without any rear wheel arches (fenders) – these are now optional accessory, in plastic or painted versions (except 8×4).
All chassis versions support adding side skirts and exhausts
Painted panel above windshield (forehead)
Added custom decal on the forehead (you can change it by editing decals_ohaha.dds)
New chassis variants : 8×4 and 6×2 Tandem (compatible* with Flemming V’s tandem trailers)
Added accessory group to lower engine grid (you can add small lights, to various locations, including turn signals)
Reworked taillights – LED’s for parking light
Reworked cabin to accept glass panel on the side.
Added accessory group to the rim of the Globetrotter XL cabin, enabling you to add custom lights
A few custom paintjobs
Custom mirrors with markers to add small lights, including turn signals
Added accessory group to the back of Globetrotter cabins, for three types of custom lights (park, brake, reverse).
Starting with v12.5s the front engine grids are disconnected from the engine type. You can switch them in truck shop. Just look for a marker called C_EQUIP (somewhere on the floor level, behind the cab, visible from front and sides).
Two new roof bars – one for Sleeper cabin (a rework of a default SCS beacon) and one for Globetrotter XL (similar to original Volvo RoofBar)
Reworked headlights
Credits: ohaha
Compatibility: ETS2 1.9.x and 1.10.x
Jeśli przechodzisz przez piekło, nie zatrzymuj się! ~ Winston Churchill
"Nie obchodzi mnie, czy jesteś czarny, biały, hetero czy homo, niski, wysoki, gruby czy chudy, bogaty czy biedny.
Jeżeli jesteś miły dla mnie, ja będę miły dla ciebie." ~ Eminem
"Nie obchodzi mnie, czy jesteś czarny, biały, hetero czy homo, niski, wysoki, gruby czy chudy, bogaty czy biedny.
Jeżeli jesteś miły dla mnie, ja będę miły dla ciebie." ~ Eminem
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