17-07-2014, 18:20
W czym jest problem
Dziękuje z góry za pomoc.

************ : log created on : Thursday July 17 2014 @ 18:17:16
00:00:00.000 : [sys] running on x86 / Windows 7 x64 (version 6.1) / Service Pack 1
00:00:00.000 : [sys] DirectX version :
00:00:00.000 : [sys] Command line: D:\Program Files (x86)\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x86\eurotrucks2.exe
00:00:00.000 : [cpu] CPU0: GenuineIntel [ Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3350P CPU @ 3.10GHz] with 4 cores (4 threads) at ~3116MHz.
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using 3 worker thread(s)
00:00:00.000 : [sys] using QPC / TSC invariant timer, frequency 3043242Hz
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical total: 8138M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] physical avail: 5491M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual total: 4095M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] virtual avail: 4016M
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Trying to allocate memory pool (409600K)
00:00:00.000 : [mem] Allocated 5 temporary loading buffer(s)
00:00:00.010 : Disabling color wrap as both color strings are empty
00:00:00.105 : [hashfs] base.scs: Mounted and validated, 47777 entries (B3FD12A4C613639F01DB5157C166F9724A12CB5E4AEA08EC99EEF6223BACB62)
00:00:00.106 : [hashfs] core.scs: Mounted and validated, 3 entries (5287B62E834BF9035DC2D05B19F8C7BEB389BD0AC76FE058D505C82B924011F)
00:00:00.154 : [hashfs] def.scs: Mounted and validated, 4851 entries (7924916C1277DE1DAF71F9586DF592954222F45F939F8016585812224CBE7C0)
00:00:00.197 : [hashfs] locale.scs: Mounted and validated, 133 entries (991DD71B7B90BE1889F822C46B30EADBB025CAF5ADA5A78F0D713C34AABF605)
00:00:00.198 : [hashfs] base_cfg.scs: Mounted and validated, 2 entries (BEEED518750918929DC4BAA495359E6A9995042C38A4E0FDF8395DA5F2A5D07)
00:00:00.198 : [ufs] Home directory: 'C:/Users/Admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2'.
00:00:00.199 : exec /home/config.cfg
00:00:00.199 : [sys] Executing /home/config.cfg ...
00:00:00.199 : uset r_full_resolution_corrections "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_force_color_shadowmaps "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset g_hw_info "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset g_cargo_sort "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset g_tooltip_delay "0.4"
00:00:00.199 : uset g_global_force_load_selector "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset g_desktop_fadeout "60"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_wireframe "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_right "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_multimon_border_fov_left "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_multimon_mode "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_segment_cache_static_buffers "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_segment_cache_behavior "3"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_use_depth_bounds "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_show_light_pixel_coverage "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_deferred_debug "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_mirror_scale_y "1.0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_mirror_scale_x "1.0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_scale_y "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_scale_x "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_normal_maps "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_sunshafts "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_color_saturation "1.0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_color_yellow_blue "0.0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_color_magenta_green "0.0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_color_cyan_red "0.0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_color_correction "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_dof_filter_size "0.5"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_dof_transition "400.0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_dof_start "200.0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_dof "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_mlaa_threshold "1.0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_mlaa "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_hdr "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_fake_shadows "2"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size "4096"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_sun_shadow_quality "4"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_mirror_view_distance "160"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_deferred_mirrors "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_deferred "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_nowmi "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_startup_progress "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_setup_done "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_gamma "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale "1.0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov_game "100"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_fov "80"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist_game "0.5"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_manual_stereo_ui_dist "0.8"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_manual_stereo_in_menu "1"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_nv_stereo_mode "2"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_no_frame_tracking "0"
00:00:00.199 : uset r_msaa "0"
00:00:00.200 : uset r_fullscreen "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset r_mode "1280x1024x32x0"
00:00:00.200 : uset r_path ""
00:00:00.200 : uset r_device "dx9"
00:00:00.200 : uset i_virtual_cursor_speed "500.0"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_trackir "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_pedestrian "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_light_span_factor "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_light_distance_factor "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_vehicle_flare_lights "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_auto_traffic_headlights "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_auto_traffic "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_kdop_preview "0"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_screenshot_on_bug "0"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_developer "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_wc_fps "0.0"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_wc_radius "-1.0"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_steam_screenshots "2"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_artist_id "0"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_flyspeed "15"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_news "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_colbox "0"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_radio_mode "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_ignore_low_fps "0"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_truck_light_quality "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_truck_light_specular "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_gfx_all_scales "0"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_gfx_advanced "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_gfx_quality "-1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_menu_aa_limit "8"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_additional_water_fov "20.0f"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_rain_reflect_hookups "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_rain_reflect_actor "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_rain_reflect_traffic "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_rain_reflect_cache "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_rain_reflection "3"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_reflection "3"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_grass_density "2"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_veg_detail "2"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_minicon "0"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_console "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_texture_usage_stats "0"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_fps "0"
00:00:00.200 : uset g_stream_exts ".ogg;.mp3"
00:00:00.200 : uset r_vsync "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset r_anisotropy_factor "1"
00:00:00.200 : uset r_texture_detail "0"
00:00:00.200 : uset t_averaging_window_length "20"
00:00:00.204 : [lang] Language autodetection: 415
00:00:00.210 : Selected language: pl_pl
00:00:00.210 : Euro Truck Simulator 2 init ver.1.10.1 (rev. bdd71307208b6e7c676fa54673ae1cd10f0de9e9)
00:00:00.210 : [net] LOG INFO: Started
00:00:00.218 : Setting UI reference mode to: 1440x900...
00:00:00.219 : [gfx] Selected rendering device: dx9
00:00:00.224 : [dx9] NVAPI initialized
00:00:00.224 : [dx9] Direct3D9Ex detected.
00:00:00.224 : [dx9] Number of adapters found: 1
00:00:00.253 : [dx9] Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti / 1990 (2048) MB (nvd3dum.dll,, 20131111)
00:00:00.254 : [dx9] Using SM3X rendering path
00:00:00.254 : [gfx] Trying to set 1280x1024 32bpp 60Hz (fullscreen)
00:00:00.332 : [dx9] SLI not found.
00:00:00.332 : [dx9] Stereo fully allowed.
00:00:00.332 : [dx9] Unable to initialize stereo (-140), the stereo driver might be not installed
00:00:00.333 : [dx9] D3D9 device sucessfully created [HWVP]
00:00:00.547 : Game viewport set to: (window aspect ratio=1.25); viewport bounds=[left=0.00 right=1280.00 bottom=112.00 top=912.00]
00:00:00.547 : UI viewport set to: viewport bounds=[left=0.00 right=1280.00 bottom=112.00 top=912.00]
00:00:00.561 : [al] device: OpenAL Soft
00:00:00.561 : [al] context extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFT_loopback
00:00:00.569 : [al] vendor: OpenAL Community
00:00:00.569 : [al] version: 1.1 ALSOFT 1.14
00:00:00.569 : [al] renderer: OpenAL Soft
00:00:00.569 : [al] extensions: AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFTX_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points
00:00:00.569 : [snd] Started sound update thread
00:00:00.574 : [di8] Initializing device '@@keyboard@@' as 'keyboard'
00:00:00.576 : [di8] Initializing device '@@i_mouse@@' as 'mouse'
00:00:00.606 : [di8] Initializing device 'Logitech Driving Force GT USB' as '{220BB820-DCDE-11E2-8001-444553540000}|{C29A046D-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}'
00:00:00.609 : [di8] FF Constant force supported
00:00:00.609 : [di8] FF Ramp force supported
00:00:00.609 : [di8] FF Square force supported
00:00:00.609 : [di8] FF Sine force supported
00:00:00.609 : [di8] FF Triangle force supported
00:00:00.609 : [di8] FF SawtoothUp force supported
00:00:00.609 : [di8] FF SawtoothDown force supported
00:00:00.609 : [di8] FF Spring force supported
00:00:00.609 : [di8] FF Damper force supported
00:00:00.609 : [di8] FF Inertia force supported
00:00:00.609 : [di8] FF Friction force supported
00:00:00.609 : [di8] FF Axis 'x' 'Wheel axis' reports force 10N with resolution of 256
00:00:00.752 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 746 entries (5B849AE71052BFFB739BBDEC3AED8173C8B9C4B246EA833141DC55159C7D150)
00:00:00.826 : dispatch
00:00:01.105 : exit
00:00:02.512 : [inp] Classifying devices
00:00:02.512 : [inp] Analyzing "Logitech Driving Force GT USB" "di8.'{220BB820-DCDE-11E2-8001-444553540000}|{C29A046D-0000-0000-0000-504944564944}'"
00:00:02.513 : [inp] Applying input.steer.logitech.driving.force.gt
00:00:02.515 : [inp] Applying input.pedals.logitech.driving.force.gt.combined
00:00:02.516 : [inp] Applying input.clutch.default
00:00:02.517 : [inp] Applying input.look.default
00:00:02.518 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.updown.logitech.driving.force.gt
00:00:02.518 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.drive.default
00:00:02.518 : [inp] Applying input.gearbox.hshifter.default
00:00:02.519 : [inp] Applying input.info.logitech.driving.force.gt
00:00:02.519 : [inp] Classified as: wheel
00:00:02.726 : [hashfs] dlc_east.scs: Mounted and validated, 746 entries (5B849AE71052BFFB739BBDEC3AED8173C8B9C4B246EA833141DC55159C7D150)
00:00:02.794 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:02.794 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:02.794 : uset s_sfx_volume "0.12"
00:00:02.794 : uset s_music_volume "0"
00:00:02.794 : uset s_master_volume "0.11"
00:00:02.794 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:02.794 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:02.794 : uset g_force_load_selector "-1"
00:00:02.794 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:02.794 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:02.794 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:02.794 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:02.794 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_adviser "1"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_police "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_oculus_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_oculus_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_oculus_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_oculus_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:02.795 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:02.795 : uset i_oculus_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:02.795 : uset i_oculus_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:02.795 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:02.795 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:02.795 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_fuel_simulation "1"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "1"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0f"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_hshifter_layout "0"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_trans "3"
00:00:02.795 : uset g_lang "pl_pl"
00:00:03.488 : loading 'ets2_td_103' 'D:/Program Files (x86)/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/win_x86/plugins/ets2_td_103.dll'
00:00:04.822 : <ERROR> [sdk] prism::sdk::lookup_channel: channel 'truck.adblue' not found
00:00:04.822 : <ERROR> [sdk] prism::sdk::lookup_channel: channel 'truck.adblue.consumption.average' not found
00:00:04.822 : <ERROR> [sdk] prism::sdk::lookup_channel: channel 'truck.adblue.warning' not found
00:00:04.822 : Initializing telemetry log example
00:00:05.263 : uset s_sfx_enabled "1"
00:00:05.263 : uset s_music_enabled "1"
00:00:05.263 : uset s_sfx_volume "0.12"
00:00:05.263 : uset s_music_volume "0"
00:00:05.263 : uset s_master_volume "0.11"
00:00:05.263 : uset s_reverse_stereo "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_force_economy_reset "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_force_load_selector "-1"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_autoload_ignore_autosave "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_start_in_truck "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_input_configured "1"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_income_factor "1.0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_currency "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_bad_weather_factor "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_save_idx "1"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_adviser "1"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_desktop_tutorial "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_tutorial "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_fatigue "1"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_police "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_subtitles "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_clock_24 "1"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_oculus_no_3d_background "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_oculus_no_special_menu "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_oculus_reduced_cabin_movement "1"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_oculus_no_artifical_movement "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset i_oculus_eye_protrusion "0.09"
00:00:05.264 : uset i_oculus_eye_height "0.15"
00:00:05.264 : uset i_oculus_max_prediction "0.1"
00:00:05.264 : uset i_oculus_min_prediction "0.0"
00:00:05.264 : uset s_interior_volume "1.0"
00:00:05.264 : uset s_rumble_enabled "1"
00:00:05.264 : uset s_reverse_enabled "1"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_throttle_auto_shift "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_pedal_clutch_range "1.0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_fuel_simulation "1"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_hardcore_simulation "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_reg_setting "reg_setting.europe"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_use_speed_limiter "1"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_engine_start_auto "1"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_motor_brake_auto "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_retarder_auto "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_brake_intensity "1.0f"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_steer_autocenter "1"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_gallon "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_fahrenheit "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_pounds "kg"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_mph "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_hshifter_layout "0"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_trans "3"
00:00:05.264 : uset g_lang "pl_pl"
00:00:05.273 : New profile selected: 'Kierowca'
00:00:05.273 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/ScaniaR440Highline.scs
00:00:05.276 : [zipfs] ScaniaR440Highline.scs: read ok, 336 entries [0xc6496ca4]
00:00:05.276 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/SchmitzSKO.scs
00:00:05.277 : [zipfs] SchmitzSKO.scs: read ok, 114 entries [0xbd96bcd5]
00:00:05.277 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/marathon.no activation logos.scs
00:00:05.278 : [zipfs] marathon.no activation logos.scs: read ok, 11 entries [0x3e49cb67]
00:00:05.278 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzKrone Coolliner.scs
00:00:05.279 : [zipfs] zzzzKrone Coolliner.scs: read ok, 95 entries [0x7dc7fe36]
00:00:05.279 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/zzzzLadunki Mod Danix6&Wieczek.scs
00:00:05.316 : [zipfs] zzzzLadunki Mod Danix6&Wieczek.scs: read ok, 4188 entries [0x9aea8c99]
00:00:05.316 : Mounting extra package: C:/Users/Admin/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/żflarepack.scs
00:00:05.317 : [zipfs] żflarepack.scs: read ok, 77 entries [0x2c2f1aed]
00:00:12.602 : game /home/profiles/4B6965726F776361/save/autosave
00:00:12.804 : [bullet] Starting physics server: Bullet
00:00:13.081 : Loaded trailers: 75
00:00:13.083 : Loaded small traffic vehicles: 29
00:00:13.085 : Loaded truck traffic vehicles: 15
00:00:13.086 : Loaded traffic trailers: 14
00:00:13.087 : Loaded addon hookups: 16
00:00:13.087 : Loading resource server data ....
00:00:13.087 : Loading road data ....
00:00:13.092 : Loading terrain data ....
00:00:13.095 : Loading railing data ....
00:00:13.103 : Loading building data ....
00:00:13.119 : Loading model data ....
00:00:13.135 : Loading prefab data ....
00:00:13.152 : Loading traffic rule data ....
00:00:13.169 : Loading sign data ....
00:00:13.185 : Loading traffic semaphore data ....
00:00:13.202 : Loading vegetation data ....
00:00:13.219 : Loading hinges data ....
00:00:13.235 : Loading stamp data ....
00:00:13.252 : Loading movers data ....
00:00:13.269 : Loading ferry data ....
00:00:13.285 : Loading country data ....
00:00:13.304 : Loading sound item data ....
00:00:13.319 : Loading live stream data ....
00:00:13.335 : Loading game condition data ....
00:00:13.352 : Loading trigger action data ....
00:00:13.369 : Loading cutscene data ....
00:00:13.393 : Loading cargo data ....
00:00:13.399 : Loading company data ....
00:00:13.552 : Loading city data ....
00:00:13.630 : Resources load time: 837ms (23 MB)
00:00:13.630 : Map '/map/europe.mbd' loading started ....
00:00:14.238 : Map successfully loaded.
00:00:14.252 : Map load time: 621ms (55 MB)
00:00:14.405 : <ERROR> [unit] File '/def/vehicle/truck/scania.124r/engine/dc13_440.sii', line 17:
00:00:14.405 : <ERROR> Expecting end of file, found '3'
00:00:14.406 : <ERROR> Missing model descriptor: /vehicle/truck/scania_124r/interior/model.pmd
00:00:14.406 : <ERROR> Missing model descriptor: /vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/interior/aniw.pmd
00:00:14.485 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:00:15.675 : Road network navigation caching finished.
00:00:15.702 : Garage update started.
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.aalborg)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.malmo)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.stockholm)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.odense)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.karlstad)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.turku)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.jonkoping)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.bergen)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.kristiansand)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.kobenhavn)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.stavanger)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.goteborg)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.flensburg)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.arhus)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.kolding)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.esbjerg)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.helsinki)
00:00:15.746 : <ERROR> Garage spawn point not found! (kdop_link.garage.oslo)
00:00:15.825 : Garage update finished.
00:00:15.826 : Economy load time: 3032ms (37 MB)
00:00:15.854 : <WARNING> [resource_task] Default temporary buffer is insufficient while reading '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/truck.pmg' with size 22695906
00:00:15.864 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/truck.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:15.883 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/scania_rcab_2009/wipers.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:15.929 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/doorstep/scania_rcab_2009/doorstep_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:15.929 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/doorhandle/scania_rcab_2009/doorhandle_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:15.930 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/mirror/scania_rcab_2009/side_mirror_01.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:15.930 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/truck/upgrade/mirror/scania_rcab_2009/mirror_02.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:15.936 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/wheel/kamaz/kamazf.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:15.958 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/wheel/kamaz/kamazr.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:16.956 : <WARNING> [resource_task] Default temporary buffer is insufficient while reading '/vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmg' with size 21318518
00:00:16.968 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/trailer_eu/krone/cool_liner/cool_liner.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:17.010 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/vehicle/wheel/saf/wheel.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:17.015 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:00:17.015 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:00:17.015 : <WARNING> Model in old format detected '/model/symbol/loading.pmg', please upgrade format to improve load performance!
00:00:17.016 : Create actor: (170 MB)
00:00:17.030 : Game init finished. (287 MB)
00:00:24.903 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
00:00:25.185 : [startup] spawned 6 vehicles
00:00:25.205 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:00:25.205 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:00:25.206 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:00:25.206 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:00:25.280 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:00:25.280 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:00:25.302 : [startup] spawned 1 vehicles
00:00:25.340 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (2, 3). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:00:25.340 : <ERROR> Invalid wheel index (4, 5). Rear wheels must be indexed from rear with indices 0 and 1 on rearmost axle. Model:
00:00:25.397 : <ERROR> [dx9] Present failed. [0x8007000e]
00:00:25.399 : <ERROR> [dx9] Present failed. [0x88760868]
00:00:25.422 : <ERROR> [dx9] Present failed. [0x88760868]
00:00:25.424 : <ERROR> [dx9] Present failed. [0x88760868]
00:00:25.428 : [startup] spawned 4 vehicles
00:00:25.456 : <ERROR> [dx9] Present failed. [0x88760868]
00:00:25.459 : <ERROR> [dx9] Present failed. [0x88760868]
00:00:25.491 : <ERROR> [dx9] Present failed. [0x88760868]
00:00:25.493 : <ERROR> [dx9] Present failed. [0x88760868]
00:00:25.499 : [startup] spawned 11 vehicles
00:00:25.600 : <ERROR> [dx9] Present failed. [0x88760868]
00:00:25.615 : <ERROR> [dx9] Present failed. [0x88760868]
00:00:25.662 : [startup] spawned 12 vehicles
00:00:25.707 : <WARNING> Running out of frame events, too many frames queued or something is wrong.
Zapraszam wszystkich !
Prawo jazdy:
A1 - 27.09.2013
B - 09.06.2014
Kurs na wózki widłowe - zdany
Kwalifikacja Wstępna Pełna - 4.12.2014
C -17.05.2015
Prawo jazdy:
A1 - 27.09.2013
B - 09.06.2014
Kurs na wózki widłowe - zdany
Kwalifikacja Wstępna Pełna - 4.12.2014
C -17.05.2015